잉그올 영어 회화 21.05.14
잉그올 영어 회화 21.05.14
The A is about the B (‘A는 B에 관한것’)#
The video is about the effect of exercising regularly on our body. (규칙적인 운동이 우리의 몸에 미치는 영향)
the effect of A on B (‘A가 B에 미치는 영향’) = the influence of A on B#
the effect of exercising regularly on our body. (규칙적인 운동이 우리의 몸에 미치는 영향.)
the influence of A on B (‘A가 B에 미치는 영향’)#
the influence of exercising regularly on our body. (규칙적인 운동이 우리의 몸에 미치는 영향.)
I want more A, so I can B (‘더 많은 A를 원해, 그래서 B 할 수 있도록’)#
I want more time, so I can exercise/work out (더 운동할 수 있는 더 많은 시간을 원한다.)
give numbers to ~ → to rank ('-에 순위를 매기다')#
give numbers to hobby (취미에 순위를 매기다.)
choose priority (‘우선 순위 선택’)#
I went to the ~ ('-에 갔다')#
I went to 횡성 웰리힐리파크 for skiing. (횡성 웰리힐리파크에 스키타러 갔었다.) I went to 웰리힐리파크 for night snow boarding at 10pm. (10시에 심야 스노우 보드를 타기 위해 웰리 힐리 파크에갔습니다.) I went to the library to study. (공부하러 도서관을 갔었다.)
~ days a week. (‘일주일에 -일’)#
A year ago, I worked out three days a week. (1년 전에는, 1주일에 3일 운동하러 나갔다.) I went skate boarding three days(times) a week. (1주일에 3일씩 스케이트 보드를 탔다.)
It was bright from the strong lights (‘강한 불빛에 비추어 밝았다.')#
The light was very strong. → It was bright from the strong lights.
Q. How does effect of exercising regularly on our body? (‘규칙적인 운동이 우리 몸에 미치는 영향을 미치는가?')#
when I regularly exercise, I had more energy and less stress at that time. (규칙적으로 운동 할 때 그 당시에는 더 많은 에너지와 스트레스를 덜 받았습니다.)
##Grammar Error:
starting exercising regularly effect on body. → The video is about the effect of exercising regularly on our body. the effect of A on B the influence of A on B I want more exercise → I want more time so exercise. → I want more time, so I can exercise/work out. so hard → so difficult Working out is too hard. I’d like to go swimming. I went to 횡성 웰리힐리파크 for skiing. / I went to the library to study. I went to 횡성 웰리힐리파크 at 10pm for night snowboarding. The light was very strong. → It was bright from the strong lights. One years ago, I was three days on week. → (About) A year ago, I worked out three days a week. / I went skateboarding three days(times) a week. I think decreased stress → I have more stress now. / I had less stress at that time. /I think the amount of stress has increased. I was more energetic at that time.–> I had more energy ~. I was more energetic and had less stress at that time. / I had more energy and less stress at that time.
##New expressions learned today: give numbers to sth → to rank choose priority
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